Hi, I’m Tanya Stout. A health care practitioner in Missoula, Montana.

My Goal for You

My primary goal is to enhance the quality of life of those she treats.  Increasing the fluid nutrition of the brain and spine helps increase energy and mobility.  Craniosacral therapy is gentle and calming to the nervous system, decreasing the effects of stress and physical trauma.  Craniosacral therapy helps the patient heal from the inside out, leading to significant improvements in all aspects of life.

I can also help you free your mind from the prison of unwanted attitudes and beliefs from your past that limit your success and happiness utilizing Neuro Linguistic Programming.

If your life feels like you’re trapped in a prison of limitations, or you’re just not living up to your full potential, chances are you have a conflict between your conscious desires and your subconscious beliefs. This kind of conflict shows up in relationships, self-esteem, spirituality, health and body including prosperity, personal power and grief and loss.

If you are facing challenges in any of these areas, personally or professionally, Neuro Linguistic Programming can help you to rewrite the software of your mind in order to change the printout of your life.

I am currently enjoying my journey at the Red Willow Center for Health and Healing.

“A biodynamic system is not viewed as one that has a disease or an illness but rather as one that contains unconditional health and balance located within the depths of the fluids. It is not that the body doesn’t have disease or illness but rather that disease and illness are compensations created by the Breath of Life to get our attention.”  

– Franklin Sills


It was an exciting time for me some years ago, when school had finally come to a close and I was going forward at commencement ceremonies to receive my Medical Assistant Diploma with honors. During the next six years I would work with physicians in their private practices enjoying the opportunity to work directly with patients as well as the more precise and analytical aspects of running the office lab.


My personal experience in traditional medicine and complementary therapies opened new avenues of interest. I acquired training in Touch for Health, the Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) for emotional stress, Manual Lymph Drainage, Quantum Touch, Psych-K and SCIO Biofeedback Technology, CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), adding a broad base to address client’s concerns.


I have chosen CST and NLP as my primary focus because of the exciting results my clients have experienced in pain relief, health maintenance, and well-being.


I have also provided integrative care for cancer patients at Guardian Oncology in Missoula. She is currently enjoying this part of her journey at the Red Willow Center for Health and Healing.